The golden ratio in the Biodynamizer = PHI (1.618) the divine proportions of nature
All the proportions of the shapes of the Biodynamizer (Funnel, Pentagonal Egg, magnets,…), its angles (golden angle 137.5°) have been calculated to measure according to the proportions of the golden number PHI 1 – 1.618 which is the universal geometry of life and the universe! (= shape waves)
The golden ratio is also found at the heart of the energy of the universe, man & water.
The pentagram (the yellow star in the image below) in a pentagon (geometry in blue in the image below) illustrates the different vibrational manifestations of energy in nature. This image is obtained by converting electromagnetic waves into sound waves (Hertz) which are exposed to water (making sound visible!). These waves will produce ripples in the water. By connecting the intersections of these undulations with straight lines we can extract common geometric figures and ratios, including that of the golden ratio Φ! By applying this technique (the cymatics: Reid, Lauterwasser and Chladni), we realize that the proportions of the golden ratio are found both in the frequencies emitted by stars, in the beating of the human heart and in the vibration of human cells!

Photo : credit cymatics-cymascope John Stuart Reid (Mereon geometry) 2015