Dynamized water is filled with energy
- Dynamized water is water filled with energy (in photonic terms, see in this respect the electrophotonic analysis) like mountain or cascade water. This energy comes from the vortex movements it follows in the Biodynamizer® as well as from the magnetic fields emitted by the permanent magnets it contains. This energy will influence the molecular structure of water and ionize the minerals it carries. All this energy will be used for cellular communication and metabolic functioning (see study about Biophotons)!
- The energy of dynamized water has a greater photodiversity (in terms of quality and stability). We believe this makes dynamized water more compatible with the energy of the living.
- We believe that this additional energy helps strengthen the energy field of humans, which helps fight bacteria & viruses that degrade low energy environments. “The terrain is everything, the germ is nothing” Antoine Béchamp.
- However, it seems that the qualities of dynamized water (structure & energy) are preserved up to a maximum of 80 ° C and that they disappear upon evaporation when it boils (at 100 ° C).
Find out more:
Electromagnetic energy in the Biodynamizer®
Magnetic energy in the Biodynamizer®
Natural frequencies in the Biodynamizer®
The dynamization frequencies of copper, gold & silver in the Biodynamizer®
The golden ratio in the Biodynamizer®
Scalar Waves, an energy that comes from the Universe
Human is above all a conscious vibration!
Conclusions on energizing dynamized water
We have seen therefore that water has a vital energy which comes from the movements of its natural dynamics and from the natural energy of the environment which surrounds it to be its interface with respect to the living biological systems which drink or bathe in it! Water captures, stores and transmits:
- electromagnetic energy from the sun (electrons-photons-protons),
- magnetic energy of a terrestrial (magnetic fields) & gravitational origin,
- energy of the quantum vacuum which conveys its information via electromagnetic energy. This energy would be transformed into electrical energy that will trigger biochemical reactions in the human body. This energy will therefore help to operate our cellular metabolism (activate cellular communications). Water is an interface (receiver-emitter) between the energetic radiations coming from nature and the matter allowing to activate the functioning of the biological processes. Water is life!
The Biodynamizer® reproduces these conditions in order to communicate to the dynamized water the energy characteristics comparable to water which gushes or flows in its natural environment. This energy will be transmitted to the body energy (aura). See the electrophotonic analyzes on this subject. Indeed any conductive liquid (water with minerals = city water) in movement (vortex) in a metal tube (copper) which is exposed to magnetic fields (permanent magnets) sees born within electric currents with electronegative charge which will ionize the water (electron transfers which will modify its electrical charge) and this in proportion to the speed of the water flow (amplitude) and the power of the magnetic fields emitted. This energy will feed what is called the membrane voltage of cells (electronegative charge between – 50 mV & – 90 mV) which is used to open and close their ion channels which are voltage dependent and which allow nutrients to enter and toxins-waste to exit from the body (= activation of cellular exchange -> functioning of metabolism).