Dynamize water means to restore all of its natural energy and its original structure. This is what the Biodynamizer® water dynamizer does. It instantly reproduces, by biomimicry, the movements of water flowing freely in nature. This 100% natural technology can regenerate the water from all the taps in a home to make it comparable to mountain water. Water energizes, revitalizes, regenerates or invigorates thanks to the 3 basic principles of water dynamization.
The 3 basis principles of dynamization of water applied in the Biodynamizer: biomimicry

The natural movement of water in nature is the vortex; there is a strong interaction between the kinetic energy of the vortex and the magnetic energy emitted by permanent magnets.

Water captures the energies of minerals and noble metals (Carrara Marble, Lava rock, informed Ceramic & Copper, Gold and Silver)

- The vortices make it possible to transmit kinetic energy to the water (speed of rotation/spin => energy cascade) and to increase the dissolved oxygen in the water (bactericide)
- Magnetism makes it possible to transmit photonic energy to water (in the electron/photon sense) this generates an increase in the amplitude of light radiation in the water
- Minerals make it possible to transmit natural frequencies to water
An award-winning device in the SIRHA innovation competition in Lyon, France in 2021