
Berthet microbiology laboratory, Marignier France; Professor. Bernard Berthet, pharmacist, doctor of biological sciences and bromatology (food science), lecturer at the University of Lyon and laboratory director. The analysis and interpretation of the study results was carried out by a multidisciplinary scientific team including Dr Marco Paya, Dr Jean François Le Bitoux, Prof. Bernard Berthet and Mr Jean Olivaux biophysicist, holder of an interuniversity diploma in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) applied to biology and medicine;

Microtoxo study ordered by SA Dynamized Technologies on 05.05.2017 on the basis of a device applying the principles of dynamization similar to the Biodynamizer®​

Analyse MicrotoxO

Analysis of the evolution of pathogenic (harmful) & biogenic (usefulbacteria of the intestinal microbiota.

After having allowed them to grow for 48 hours in a nutritive agar based on dynamized water, there is a:

  • 60% decrease in E-coli bacterial growth
  • 10% decrease in growth of lactobacillus plantarum

And this in comparison with the classic nutrient agar!

This test, although partial, seems to confirm microbiological biocompatibility of dynamized water, its inhibiting power on the growth of the pathogenic germ and its weak influence on the biogenic germ!