BEV analysis (Bioelectronic of Vincent analysis using Hanna Instruments calibrated electrodes and the formulas of Professor Joseph Orszagh at the University of Mons-Hainaut in Belgium) carried out by Sylvie Henry Réant, ENSCP Chemical Engineer, Master 2 Biology, in Rhode Saint Genèse (Belgium) on 19.05.2020 *Louis Claude Vincent: Hydrologist engineer and graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Travaux Publics in France
The BEV (Bioelectronics of Vincent) analysis confirms that the Biodynamizer will have a real impact on water by making it more reducing & more biocompatible. Based on the parameters measured during the BEV analysis, it can be said that the Biodynamizer:
- reduces very significantly the oxidation potential of water (observed in Vincent’s Bioelectronics by the substantial drop in the rh2 factor in dynamized water. Measurement which proceeds from the evolution of the pH value, which does not vary, and from the value of the redox potential (oxido-reduction potential) which decreases sharply) => Dynamized water reduces oxidation because it has been ionized (its electrical charge has changed mainly through the effect of magnetism). It therefore has more available electrons (which are electronegative), see the identical conclusions on this subject in the spectrometric analysis by the Bioscope (decrease in the spectral phase of dynamized water), which can be transferred to the medium made up of inorganic minerals (within it) and organic minerals (which it surrounds). We can therefore think that dynamized water can contribute to reducing the oxidation of water and therefore of the body,
- increases the surplus of electrons available in the water and therefore helps to fight free radicals (since dynamized water reduces oxidation, it has more “free” electrons around the water molecule which are therefore likely to be “donated”, which will rebalance the free radicals* and therefore neutralize them. *unstable atoms due to the presence of an unpaired/single electron on the outer shell of the atom of the molecule. They oxidize the body and cause cell degeneration = cell aging,
- should allow better metabolization of nutrients and promote cellular detoxification. Studies on the influence of magnetism on water as well as its reducing qualities, allow us to surmise that when water benefits from more available electrons with electronegative charge which surround nutrients (organic and inorganic minerals), it should generate a potential difference between the extracellular (positive) and intracellular (negative) environment which should contribute (with the difference in ion concentration gradients) to triggering the opening/closing of the transmembrane ion channels (which are voltage-dependent) and thus promote the entry of nutrients inside the cells and the exit of metabolic waste outside the cells (the Heidelberg Professors Neher and Sakmann, Nobel Prize for Medicine 1991, by their patch clamp method demonstrated in the 1980s that metabolism works through transmembrane ion channels with different potentials),
- transforms the ionic form of inorganic minerals (i.e. electrically charged atoms which are in solution in the liquid) into colloidal form (i.e. electrically neutral solids whose structure changes: they precipitate, agglomerate, become larger, from 10 to 1,000 nm, and are suspended in the liquid) which should facilitate their evacuation rather by the stools (intestinal) than by the urine (the kidneys) and avoid overloading them. Minerals in colloidal form indeed pass much less easily through the intestinal barrier (from 10 to 50 nm low but not zero probability of tunneling),
- preserves much better the energy in dynamized water (by reducing the dissipation of energy, see also on this subject the electrophotonic analysis which attests to this!)
Explanations of the results obtained during the analysis:
- rH2 factor of untreated tap water from Rhode Saint Genèse = 36.3 -> 29.7 for dynamized tap water, i.e. an exponential drop in water oxidation of 6.6 units (+/- 4 coming from the Biodynamizer and +/- 2,5 from the biofilter) or 10-6.6 or more than 4,000,000 times less oxidizing! The rH2 (which quantifies the activity of the electron in water* and characterizes the oxidizing or anti-oxidant aspect of water, it is calculated from a specific electrode), is calculated on the basis of following measurements: pH (acidity-alkalinity) = 7.6 (tap) -> 7.5 (dynamized), the temperature of the water = 13.5 ° C (tap in the cellar) -> 16.5 ° C (dynamized in the kitchen), and the redox potential = 385.2 mV (tap) -> 209,5 mV (dynamized) = potential difference measured by a voltmeter (it is generally accepted that the higher the ORP the more “oxidizing” the solution; the lower it is the more reducing or “antioxidizing” the solution), the conductivity remains unchanged at 750 µs / cm ; Analyzes repeated all day long with measurements every 3 minutes and with device calibration ; BEV ideal balance = pH 7 & rH2 ≤ 28 * André Fougerousse (Honorary Professor of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg and former Director of the Faculty of Strasbourg Chemistry (1999-2004)), in an article in the Bulletin de l’Union des Physiciens in 1996 “The rH2 is an unambiguous thermodynamic quantity which makes it possible to identify only the exchanges of electrons in an aqueous phase, contrary to the classical potential E, which is polluted by proton exchange“
- Vincent’s energy quantification (W of Vincent = dissipative power of water in terms of energy, function of its conductivity, pH and rH2) goes from 400 µW /cm3 for untreated tap water to 180 µW /cm3 for dynamized tap water. This means that biodynamized water preserves energy better which will be favorable for cellular functioning (see on this subject the importance of membrane voltage).
Importance of reduction potential of water to fight free radicals that oxidize the body:
- Oxygen (breathing), inflammation (heat or pain following an infection or other), or oxidative stress (caused by alcohol, tobacco, “industrial” food, …) can cause production of free radicals. Those are unstable molecules which lack an electron, and which come to rebalance by stealing them from our other (stable) molecules. By looking for this electronic stability and by recovering one electron in our cells, this free radical oxidizes them! When a cell is oxidized, it causes premature aging of our entire body and it can cause certain diseases or premature aging of the skin.
- Only molecules with electrons that can be easily mobilized (antioxidant molecules) are capable of neutralizing free radicals (by transferring one of their free electrons to them which will rebalance them). Antioxidants allow our cells to avoid degenerating and stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of antioxidants when they are organic and freshly picked. Biodynamized water can have the same effect. The measurement of the factor rH2 makes it possible to quantify the reducing quality of the water.