In order for water to be good for health and for it to participate in metabolic functions, it is first necessary to drink it, filter it (remove the pollutants it contains) and preserve its minerals and trace elements. Mineral salts are not only important for their physico-chemical contribution but also for the energy they contain! If they are restructured, they do not overload the kidneys and are easily eliminated (see Vincent’s Bioelectronics study ordered by Dynamized Technologies on urinary resistivity).

Daily body water loss = +/- 2,5 L / day:

  • Urine: from +/- 0.5 L / day to 2.5 L (depending on which sport is practiced)
  • Sweat: from +/- 0.3 L / day to +/- 2.5 L (depending on which sport is practiced)
  • Skin: +/- 0.45 L / day
  • Breathing: +/- 0.3 L / day
  • Faecal: +/- 0.2 L / day

To compensate for this loss of water, you must drink quality water from:

  • drinking water (75%): +/- 2.5 L / day (EFSA recommendation)
  • food (25%): +/- 0.5 L / day

If you want to drink lukewarm or hot water, we recommend that you heat cold water rather than taking hot tap water that has been heated by the boiler (water heater). Indeed, if the boiler temperature is not set> 50 ° C there is a risk of bacterial development in the water. In addition, the water stagnates in the boiler overnight and can be charged with corrosion from the internal walls of the boiler (depending on the materials thereof) and a surplus of lime which would be deposited there.

Consommation d'eau quotidienne