The diameter of the reverse osmosis plastic membrane is 0.10 nm (nanometers) which is smaller than the diameter of the H2O molecule (measured between the 2 hydrogen atoms) which is 0.30 nm (3 Ångström), this has the following consequences:
- Loss of most of the minerals (< 10 mg / L or ppm of minerals remain in osmosis water versus +/- 400 mg / L in tap water!) including the trace elements (which are fully assimilable):
- Reverse osmosis water becomes “minophage”: demineralized water or reverse osmosis water will, to rebalance, draw minerals where they are found in your body, which will demineralize it.
- Osmosis water has no more energy (which is mainly stored in ionized salts, cfr Pr. Kozyrev)
- Molecular destructuring which causes an inability to store and transport energy
- Water loses its biological balance:
- The bacterial load increases in reverse osmosis water (developed inside the tap and the water tank)
- A decrease in the development of plant root tissues (see comparative study on the germination of white mustard seeds carried out on 19.08.2019 by the Cebedeau laboratory at the request of Dynamized Technologies).
- Inside the device, the water is in contact with the plastic of the filters and membranes which is contraindicated due to the “memory” of water
- The device operates on electricity which generates electromagnetic pollution.
- The RO causes a significant loss of water due to the flushing of the membrane, i.e. 3 L of water lost per 1 L of reverse osmosis water.
- The RO is only delivered to 1 tap without providing pure water for the whole body during baths, showers (our body also absorbs water on this occasion!).
In view of the above, we have not opted for reverse osmosis filtration, but have favored activated carbon and membrane filtration, namely the Biofilter. The dynamization of water by the Biodynamizer will be all the more effective and amplified as the water will have kept its minerals and will have been properly purified.
See below the difference in root development between seeds watered with reverse osmosis water (demineralized) and seeds watered with tap water containing minerals.