Sharing information regarding analyzes of dynamized water​

The primary purpose of the Biodynamizer® site is to popularize and disseminate the latest information observed about the dynamization of water (or its often used synonyms, revitalization or activation or energized). We would like to share the lessons and observations from the analyses carried out with scientific devices and sponsored by SA Dynamized Technologies (which manufactures the Biodynamizer®) on the dynamization of water. In doing so, we wish to bring, as far as possible, all the scientific rigor, objectivity and structuring of information on dynamized water. The results obtained from this research come from studies in which we participated, or from analyses that we have carried out by laboratories. Our goal is to try to understand all the magic and mysteries of living water and to advance the understanding we can have of all the intricacies of water in a spirit of openness and curiosity.

These analyzes spread over 10 years, although partial, not always reproducible or irrefutable, nevertheless provide a body of consistent scientific and empirical clues confirming differences of all kinds between dynamized and non-dynamized water, which suggest benefits linked to the dynamization of water. It seems therefore essential to us to share them because they were carried out by pioneer researchers in different scientific disciplines. They developed observation devices or used scientific devices in order to try to objectify findings and to unravel a new understanding of water. We sometimes come up against the lack of adequate or existing scientific devices or protocols capable of measuring all the subtleties and properties of this hypersensitive liquid that is water. Indeed, the parameters sought are often not standard physicochemical parameters observed by academic science but subtle parameters whose interpretation is constantly evolving. This makes the conclusions and interpretations of the analyzes carried out difficult and evolving.​