The magnetism in the Biodynamizer® will:
- Ionize the water (modifying its electrical charge) and so modify the membrane voltage (the polarity of the plasma membrane that surrounds our cells). This will contribute (with the difference in intra and extracellular concentration of ions) to activate the ionic channels which make cellular metabolism work (nutrition / detoxication); indeed any conductive liquid (mineralized water) in motion (vortex) in a conductive tube (copper) and exposed to magnetic fields (permanent magnets) sees the generation of electric currents with electronegative charge which will ionize the water (transferring of electrons) and this in proportion to the speed of the water flow and the power of the magnetic fields.
- Transfer of energy to water (in terms of photons = joules) and this thanks to the interaction between the magnetic energy emitted by the permanent magnets and the kinetic energy of the vortex movement. This energy would be communicated to:
- nanoscale layers of water around our proteins -> this magnetic energy would be converted into electrical energy that would make cell metabolism work (ref. Pr. G. Pollack)
- mineral salts present in water -> energy is mainly captured and stored in ionized salts (Pr. Kozyrev)
- Restructure the H2O molecules: by increasing the polarization coherence of their electrons (alignment of the dipoles of the water molecules in the direction of the magnetic field), by slowing their speed of rotation (spin) and by increasing the hydrogen bridges and bonds molecular (due to the surplus of delocalized electrons). Therefore the average size of water macro-clusters will increase and their molecular structure will stabilize (stronger, stable and organized hydrogen bridges -> water crystals)
- Reducing the surface tension of the water = wettability / greater cellular hydration (see geometric shape of the water drop spread and distorted on the electrophotonic photo)
- Modifying the morphology of limescale (more round shape and larger crystal size = early germination of colloidal particles of limescale) which will reduce its adhesion to the walls (different crystal structure)
- Cancelling the “contaminating molds” that are the electromagnetic signatures (SEM) of the pollutants that would or would have been present in water (memory imprint found by virtue of the work on “water memory” by J. Benveniste)
Magnetization is three-dimensional in the Biodynamizer®
- 3 axes of magnetization (polarization):
- Rotating X & Y axes: perpendicular to the flow of water turning 90 ° clockwise (= magnetic vortex)
- Alternating Z axes N / S & S / N: toroidal with a gyratory movement of the water inside the magnetic field lines for the last annular magnet (columnar vortex) ;
- Magnets have different & alternate powers: 1 Neodymium, 10 Ferrites, 1 Neodymium
- The copper aquifer part of the device is diamagnetic: This magnetization ceases as soon as the magnetizing field is removed.

Electrophotonic photo of non-magnetized copper

Electrophotonic photo of magnetized copper